The legendary South Bend nightclub Vegetable Buddies is set to reopen in the spring, and this time it’ll feature an integrated restaurant to go along with its food-forward moniker.
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The 12 Fastest Vegetables to Grow in your Garden
Not all vegetables take from spring to fall to mature. If you’re getting a late start on your home garden or live in a region with a short growing season, fear not. There are many healthy, delicious vegetables that are quick to harvest. Here are the 12 fastest growing vegetables to get your garden jumpstarted.
RADISHES: One of the fastest growing vegetables are radishes. Most varieties will be ready for harvest in just 25 to 30 days after planting.
GREEN ONIONS: While it can take 6 months for onion bulbs to mature, the green onion stalks can be harvested after just 3 or 4 weeks. You can also grow onion microgreens and have baby onion greens in two to three weeks.
LETTUCE: Leaf lettuce such as Romaine can begin to be harvested about 30 days after planting. Cut the leaves once they reach at least 3 inches.
BABY CARROTS: Baby carrots can be harvested after about 30 days. Other carrot varieties may take between 50 and 80 days to mature.
SPINACH: Spinach is ready in as little as 4 to 6 weeks after planting.
KALE & OTHER LEAFY GREENS: Kale, mustard greens and watercress are just a few delicious, super healthy greens that are fast growers. Most take about 50 to 65 days to mature, but baby leaves can be picked as early as 25 days.