Autor: master021

  • Fresh orange 20% discount

    Fresh orange 20% discount

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vero noster copiosae mea no, mea decore eleifend aliquando ad. Eum liber oporteat cu, graece graeci mollis mel ei. Et oblique prompta conceptam eos. Sed eu denique dissentias reformidans, his assum ocurreret ei. Ferri mentitum molestie mel cu, sit ad illum salutatus repudiare, elitr quidam albucius ex vix.

    Omnis semper mei no, te sed habeo vitae deserunt. Option dolores blandit at duo. Ex laoreet delicatissimi vis, invenire ullamcorper comprehensam mei cu. No dicat equidem blandit usu, id sed tempor bonorum philosophia. Legere salutatus mea et, usu ei ipsum eloquentiam.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vero noster copiosae mea no, mea decore eleifend aliquando ad. Eum liber oporteat cu, graece graeci mollis mel ei. Et oblique prompta conceptam eos. Sed eu denique dissentias reformidans, his assum ocurreret ei. Ferri mentitum molestie mel cu, sit ad illum salutatus repudiare, elitr quidam albucius ex vix.

    Omnis semper mei no, te sed habeo vitae deserunt. Option dolores blandit at duo. Ex laoreet delicatissimi vis, invenire ullamcorper comprehensam mei cu. No dicat equidem blandit usu, id sed tempor bonorum philosophia. Legere salutatus mea et, usu ei ipsum eloquentiam.

  • Fresh green apple 30% off

    Fresh green apple 30% off

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vero noster copiosae mea no, mea decore eleifend aliquando ad. Eum liber oporteat cu, graece graeci mollis mel ei. Et oblique prompta conceptam eos. Sed eu denique dissentias reformidans, his assum ocurreret ei. Ferri mentitum molestie mel cu, sit ad illum salutatus repudiare, elitr quidam albucius ex vix.

    Omnis semper mei no, te sed habeo vitae deserunt. Option dolores blandit at duo. Ex laoreet delicatissimi vis, invenire ullamcorper comprehensam mei cu. No dicat equidem blandit usu, id sed tempor bonorum philosophia. Legere salutatus mea et, usu ei ipsum eloquentiam.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vero noster copiosae mea no, mea decore eleifend aliquando ad. Eum liber oporteat cu, graece graeci mollis mel ei. Et oblique prompta conceptam eos. Sed eu denique dissentias reformidans, his assum ocurreret ei. Ferri mentitum molestie mel cu, sit ad illum salutatus repudiare, elitr quidam albucius ex vix.

    Omnis semper mei no, te sed habeo vitae deserunt. Option dolores blandit at duo. Ex laoreet delicatissimi vis, invenire ullamcorper comprehensam mei cu. No dicat equidem blandit usu, id sed tempor bonorum philosophia. Legere salutatus mea et, usu ei ipsum eloquentiam.

  • Fresh strawberry 25% discount

    Fresh strawberry 25% discount

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vero noster copiosae mea no, mea decore eleifend aliquando ad. Eum liber oporteat cu, graece graeci mollis mel ei. Et oblique prompta conceptam eos. Sed eu denique dissentias reformidans, his assum ocurreret ei. Ferri mentitum molestie mel cu, sit ad illum salutatus repudiare, elitr quidam albucius ex vix.

    Omnis semper mei no, te sed habeo vitae deserunt. Option dolores blandit at duo. Ex laoreet delicatissimi vis, invenire ullamcorper comprehensam mei cu. No dicat equidem blandit usu, id sed tempor bonorum philosophia. Legere salutatus mea et, usu ei ipsum eloquentiam.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vero noster copiosae mea no, mea decore eleifend aliquando ad. Eum liber oporteat cu, graece graeci mollis mel ei. Et oblique prompta conceptam eos. Sed eu denique dissentias reformidans, his assum ocurreret ei. Ferri mentitum molestie mel cu, sit ad illum salutatus repudiare, elitr quidam albucius ex vix.

    Omnis semper mei no, te sed habeo vitae deserunt. Option dolores blandit at duo. Ex laoreet delicatissimi vis, invenire ullamcorper comprehensam mei cu. No dicat equidem blandit usu, id sed tempor bonorum philosophia. Legere salutatus mea et, usu ei ipsum eloquentiam.

  • Vegetable Buddies, to relaunch with restaurant

    Vegetable Buddies, to relaunch with restaurant

    The legendary South Bend nightclub Vegetable Buddies is set to reopen in the spring, and this time it’ll feature an integrated restaurant to go along with its food-forward moniker.

     Jeff Harrison, a local musician and real estate developer, said he recently applied for the state licensing he needs to launch the music venue and restaurant in the space at 129 N. Michigan St. Harrison said the state can take 60 to 120 days to license such a venue, so he’s hesitant to offer a firm timeline on Vegetable Buddies’ opening. In the meantime, he’ll be completing renovations.
    Vegetable Buddies, which hosted acts like Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King and Dr. John at the height of its popularity in the late 1970s, closed in 1980 but has since hosted four benefit shows, in 1996, 2002, 2004 and 2011. The space was operated as Trio’s Restaurant and Jazz Club from 2007 to 2014.
    “I think we have venues that are too small and venues that are too big,” he said. “The clubs that are too big for this market, they can only put on a show about once a month.”
    Details on Vegetable Buddies’ food offerings are still sketchy. While the name brings to mind vegetarian grub, it actually refers to a Frank Zappa song, according to the nightclub’s online archives. Harrison said he’s not sure yet what kind of food he’ll serve or how many seats he’ll have. Plans should become clearer when he hires a chef in the coming months.
  • Start A Vegetable Garden

    Start A Vegetable Garden

    Over the last few months a lot of people have written in asking how to start a vegetable garden, and what I personally do when beginning to plan, organize, and plant my garden.

    Considering all the variables that can go into growing vegetables, these were questions that needed more space to expand upon than there was room for in the Question & Answer Section.

    So in order to better answer how I start a vegetable garden, I decided to share with you exactly how my family and I plan, organize, and plant our garden, and you can follow along, step-by-step in this article.

    Now I am going to assume you have already chosen your vegetable seeds. If you’re not sure about buying seeds, see article – Tips to Get the Most Out of Mail Order Seed and Plant Catalogs – about how to choose and buy seeds from a catalog. The information in that article also applies to buying seed at your local garden center.


    From seed, I typically like to plant: corn, beets, radishes, parsnips, squash, potatoes, beans, peas, flowers, pumpkins, carrots, sunflowers, chard, and onion (sets).

    As far as buying young plants, I like to buy tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, peppers, some lettuce, and herbs.

    After talking it over, my family and I decided to keep our garden fairly simple this year by not planting as many different types of vegetables as we usually do, but still using good planting techniques to conserve water and weeding.

    If, however, you want to plant more than we have in our garden this year, go for it; this article is just to get you started. Also, if you live in an area that is cooler than ours, and you actually need more warmth in the soil, don’t worry, I mention that alternative as we go along.

    Vegetable gardens are fun, and with a little prep, very easy. Even if you have never planted a vegetable garden before, you can get started right away, and be very successful.

  • Introducing Carrot

    Introducing Carrot

    What is the first thing veteran parents ask new parents when they see a newborn? How are they sleeping? After the first 3-4 weeks of waking up every two hours, Darlington started sleeping like a little rock star, between 6-8 hours.

    We became those annoyingly proud parents, telling anyone and everyone who would listen, and bam! A week before she turned four months old, she was up again every three hours—ravenous. For some reason, lack of sleep never happens at a convenient time. I kept trying to figure out what I was doing wrong or differently to throw her off schedule.

    Then, Mom suggested something that hadn’t crossed my mind yet—It might be time for solids. What? No! According to everything I’d read, six months is the suggested time to introduce solids. But, with a little more digging, I found that Wholesome BabyFood advises, “Watch the baby—not the calendar,” despite whether a baby is breastfed or not (source).

    So, to make sure that it wasn’t just the three-to-four-month-old growth spurt, I took this small test:

  • The 12 Fastest Vegetables to Grow in your Garden

    The 12 Fastest Vegetables to Grow in your Garden

    Not all vegetables take from spring to fall to mature. If you’re getting a late start on your home garden or live in a region with a short growing season, fear not. There are many healthy, delicious vegetables that are quick to harvest. Here are the 12 fastest growing vegetables to get your garden jumpstarted.

    RADISHES: One of the fastest growing vegetables are radishes. Most varieties will be ready for harvest in just 25 to 30 days after planting.

    GREEN ONIONS: While it can take 6 months for onion bulbs to mature, the green onion stalks can be harvested after just 3 or 4 weeks. You can also grow onion microgreens and have baby onion greens in two to three weeks.

    LETTUCE: Leaf lettuce such as Romaine can begin to be harvested about 30 days after planting. Cut the leaves once they reach at least 3 inches.

    BABY CARROTS: Baby carrots can be harvested after about 30 days. Other carrot varieties may take between 50 and 80 days to mature.

    SPINACH: Spinach is ready in as little as 4 to 6 weeks after planting.

    KALE & OTHER LEAFY GREENS: Kale, mustard greens and watercress are just a few delicious, super healthy greens that are fast growers. Most take about 50 to 65 days to mature, but baby leaves can be picked as early as 25 days.

  • Grandma's Green Bean Casserole Recipe

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, est eu tincidunt pretium, elit dolor ultrices urna, at imperdiet nisl dui at metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In ultrices at nisi at pellentesque. Etiam elementum sed arcu et facilisis. Maecenas molestie ante quis nisl sagittis, at euismod turpis luctus. Nulla placerat leo vel accumsan suscipit. Ut mattis lacus nec velit porttitor dapibus. Donec vel dapibus eros.

    Nulla scelerisque enim vel tincidunt cursus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec blandit tincidunt fringilla. Sed egestas vehicula bibendum. Sed rutrum orci id metus lobortis dignissim non non orci. In luctus aliquet augue, vitae venenatis justo mattis non. Morbi eget aliquam sem. Quisque felis ex, placerat vitae tincidunt sed, sagittis eget leo. Aenean at leo enim. Vestibulum vestibulum turpis ac consequat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam metus risus, placerat at posuere a, lacinia ac quam. Donec semper ligula ante, id porta magna porta a. Phasellus auctor augue ac ipsum congue imperdiet sit amet et massa. Etiam pharetra orci a velit consectetur, non ultrices enim ultrices.

    Nam hendrerit auctor sodales. Nullam accumsan tempus orci eleifend tempor. Nulla quis euismod est. Etiam non magna massa. Curabitur eget mauris sit amet odio blandit luctus. Nunc suscipit leo eu pharetra feugiat. Nulla finibus vulputate urna. Donec ornare magna et mi hendrerit porta. Quisque tincidunt nisl id urna imperdiet mollis. Nunc fringilla lorem sit amet quam vulputate sollicitudin. Fusce suscipit libero quis nunc pharetra scelerisque. Vestibulum eu pretium dui, at bibendum ante. Pellentesque at sodales turpis. In porta vitae nulla quis rutrum.

  • tomato avocado mozzarella grilled cheese easy recipe

    tomato avocado mozzarella grilled cheese easy recipe

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, est eu tincidunt pretium, elit dolor ultrices urna, at imperdiet nisl dui at metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In ultrices at nisi at pellentesque. Etiam elementum sed arcu et facilisis. Maecenas molestie ante quis nisl sagittis, at euismod turpis luctus. Nulla placerat leo vel accumsan suscipit. Ut mattis lacus nec velit porttitor dapibus. Donec vel dapibus eros.

    Nulla scelerisque enim vel tincidunt cursus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec blandit tincidunt fringilla. Sed egestas vehicula bibendum. Sed rutrum orci id metus lobortis dignissim non non orci. In luctus aliquet augue, vitae venenatis justo mattis non. Morbi eget aliquam sem. Quisque felis ex, placerat vitae tincidunt sed, sagittis eget leo. Aenean at leo enim. Vestibulum vestibulum turpis ac consequat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam metus risus, placerat at posuere a, lacinia ac quam. Donec semper ligula ante, id porta magna porta a. Phasellus auctor augue ac ipsum congue imperdiet sit amet et massa. Etiam pharetra orci a velit consectetur, non ultrices enim ultrices.

    Nam hendrerit auctor sodales. Nullam accumsan tempus orci eleifend tempor. Nulla quis euismod est. Etiam non magna massa. Curabitur eget mauris sit amet odio blandit luctus. Nunc suscipit leo eu pharetra feugiat. Nulla finibus vulputate urna. Donec ornare magna et mi hendrerit porta. Quisque tincidunt nisl id urna imperdiet mollis. Nunc fringilla lorem sit amet quam vulputate sollicitudin. Fusce suscipit libero quis nunc pharetra scelerisque. Vestibulum eu pretium dui, at bibendum ante. Pellentesque at sodales turpis. In porta vitae nulla quis rutrum.

  • How to shop smart for fruits and vegetables

    How to shop smart for fruits and vegetables

    Just because you load up your shopping trolley with fruit and vegetables doesn’t mean you’re getting all the nutrients you need.

    Knowing what to eat can be exhausting if you’re trying to be health conscious, with many feeling overwhelmed by contradictory information.

    Founder of MyHealthy DXB, Louise Steen, and food safety consultant, and author of ‘Food She Blogged’, Judy Sebastian hosted a seminar to bridge the gap between food safety and health – and talked about how to maximise the nutritional value when buying produce.

    Louise explains: “Your body is an amazing machine that needs macro [carbs, protein] and micronutrients [including calcium, vitamin C, zinc] to function. When you look in the supermarket you see a lot of food that’s packed, processed and transported a long way. The nutrients diminish over time. For example, if you’re eating a tomato from Holland, it’s come a long way, and been stored. This means it has lost a lot of the vitamins and nutritional value. We need to minimise the loss of nutrients”.

    “Even when you buy a melon, for example, at the shop. Vitamin C, when it comes in contact with oxygen, starts getting broken down – so it has different make up of micronutrients than a melon that we’d take home and cut up ourselves”.

    So eating fruit and vegetables isn’t just enough. But what’s to be done? “We’re fortunate that more and more local products are becoming available in the UAE – I recommend getting produce from as close as possible, because it minimises the travel and time factors. Though that’s not always possible, try and head to the local farmers’ markets, which are emerging in the UAE. They’re cheaper because they’re locally produced and the carbon footprint is smaller”.

    If you can’t get to the next Ripe Farmer’s Market, Louise says there are other alternatives – particularly for the hot summer months when produce is harder to access.

    “When you look at frozen food, from a nutritional point of view, it often has more of the micronutrients than the fresh produce from abroad. Let’s look at a green bean for example – the beans are left on the plant for as long as it needs, to absorb everything it needs from the sun and the soil, and then with modern technologies, is frozen, preserving the micronutrients. So if I was to choose between a fresh, but older green bean, and a frozen bean, from a nutrition point of view, I’d opt for the frozen beans”.

    But, Judy warns, local isn’t always better – take for example the heavy metals found in fish within the Gulf. “With fish, it’s better to get frozen, from Europe. This is an exception to the ‘buy local’ rule”.

    Judy recommends always reading the labels, and doing research: “It’s about prioritising what’s best for you, have the information so you can make the choice.” Louise says a good rule of thumb is to reverse your weekly routine.